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Stereo Cabinet

Project type

Personal Project


Summer 2021

As someone who loves music from the 80’s and also has a appreciation for older technology, I wanted to get a record player to listen to music on. My dad still had his record player from when he was in high school so I decided to resurrect that and use it. However, it was not spinning at the correct speed to play the records. I had to take apart the machine and fix the internal components to get the turntable to spin at the proper speed. After I did that and got the record player playing music properly, I needed somewhere to put it. I opened up Fusion 360 and got to work. I wanted to design and build a stereo cabinet that had room for the turntable, stereo, speakers, and most importantly hold all my records. I designed the whole cabinet in CAD so I would have a set of plans to follow when I got around to actually building it. I included many joinery techniques to hide fasteners and also to improve the structural integrity of the cabinet. I spent a couple of weeks one summer building it and making it as nice as I possibly could. I made it out of cedar and pine. I gave it a coat of finish and it now lives in my room and gets used all the time. To top everything off, I designed a 3D printed stand to hold the current album cover of the record I was playing on the wall with the words “Now Playing”.

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